Operations Manager, Down Syndrome Association
The DSAGC has grown significantly in the last few years, but our Admin Team has not been adjusted to reflect the growth. With the retirement of our long-term Business Manager, we have decided to tweak that role and redefine the responsibilities to reflect our current and future administrative needs. The new job title for this position is Operations Manager. This person will supervise others on the Admin Team and oversee the “big picture” finances of the DSAGC. In addition, there are some Human Resources tasks the person in this role will be expected to manage and some key vendor relationships. The person in this role must have strong organizational skills, be good with numbers, have sound computer skills, and be an adaptable team player.
Operations Manager Job Description
The DSAGC has grown significantly in the last few years, but our Admin Team has not been adjusted to reflect the growth. With the retirement of our long-term Business Manager, we have decided to tweak that role and redefine the responsibilities to reflect our current and future administrative needs. The new job title for this position is Operations Manager. This person will supervise others on the Admin Team and oversee the “big picture” finances of the DSAGC. In addition, there are some Human Resources tasks the person in this role will be expected to manage and some key vendor relationships. The person in this role must have strong organizational skills, be good with numbers, have sound computer skills, and be an adaptable team player.
- Character and Personal Growth Attributes for All
- Have respect for others, commitment to quality, integrity, self-motivation, and a positive attitude.
- Relationally, work well with others, resolve conflicts, and be trustworthy.
- Be an aggressive learner who consistently tries to grow in knowledge and competencies.
- Contribute to and model the DSAGC’s mission, vision, and core values.
- DSAGC Staff Responsibilities
- The Operations Manager will report directly to the Executive Director.
- Attend all Full Staff Team meetings as well as Admin Team meetings. These are held every other week. Participate in other all-staff gatherings as well.
- Submit a Monthly Staff Report, expense summary, and your hours bi-weekly via Paycor.
- Work on major DSAGC events, including the Summer Picnic, Golf Tournament, Buddy Walk, and Holiday Party.
- If time permits, assist with donations processing during Buddy Walk season, when we have a flood of donations at the end of the year or due to memorials.
- Become proficient with our database to run various reports that different staff may need. As time permits, assist the Office Coordinator with cleaning up the database (duplicates, correcting codes, and connecting relationships).
- Perform other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Director.
- Supervisory Role
- Be the direct supervisor for the Office Coordinator and Bookkeeping Assistant.
- Meet each of them one-on-one for bi-weekly Check-In meetings and review their Monthly Reports.
- Plan and lead the bi-weekly Admin Team meetings. Occasionally, the Executive Director will sit in on these meetings as needed.
- Keep the Executive Director informed on any issues with members of the Admin Team and projects the team is working on.
- Financial Oversight
- Budget Preparation and Management:
- Starting in the fall, collaborate with the Executive Director to prepare the draft budget for the Finance Committee to review in early January. This includes compiling the staff compensation worksheet, facility and other operational costs, and department budget request sheets into one comprehensive budget worksheet.
- Calculate revenue projections for the year.
- Adjust the budget forms as the Finance Committee and Board of Directors recommend, then finalize the official budget.
- Update the final budget into QuickBooks by ensuring all the right categories are aligned properly and the right beginning figures are entered.
- Bi-monthly, prepare for the Treasurer, Executive Director, and Board of Directors the Balance Sheet Report, the Current Month’s Profit and Loss Report, and the YTD Revenues and Expenses vs. Prior Year Comparison Report.
- Prepare all budgetary and financial reports for grant applications.
- Coordinate the scheduling and attend all Finance Committee meetings, which include the January Budget Meeting (the Executive Committee also attends this meeting). Visit the January Board Meeting to answer any budgetary questions.
- Work with our outside accounting contractor to review our books and bank statements bi-monthly.
- Be the Project Leader as we work with the accounting firm Von Lehman, which conducts our Annual Review or Audit and prepares our yearly 990 Tax Form.
- Manage bank and investment accounts and provide monthly statements to the Executive Director, Board Treasurer, and our accountant.
- Vendor Relationships
- Be the main DSAGC point of contact with the following vendors: PBY Partners (landlord), HVAC Maintenance Company, Millennium Business Systems (copier), Skynet Innovations (IT Support), Pro on Call (phone system), and our Janitorial Service Company.
- Point of contact with the accounting firm Grelle Jump & Co., who handles our monthly accounting needs, and with Von Lehman, who handles our Annual Review or Audit.
- Collaborate with the Office Coordinator regarding any vendors either of you needs assistance with. Communicate with the Executive Director on any vendor issues they need to be aware of.
- Make all necessary major office equipment, computer hardware, or software purchases.
- Payroll & Benefits:
- Payroll
- Process bi-weekly paychecks through the Paycor website.
- Enter Payroll information into QuickBooks.
- Upload 401K contributions and match them to the K-Trade website.
- Annually update salary changes, PTO, Holiday pay, and 401K enrollment records.
- Benefits
- Be the point person with the companies that manage our Worker's Compensation, Liability Insurance, Long-Term Disability Insurance, and 401K accounts.
- Track PTO hours and inform staff of the status of their PTO hours.
- Other Human Resources Responsibilities:
- When we are in a hiring season, manage the posting of the positions on any outside websites we want to use. The Communications Coordinator will handle the postings on the DSAGC website, social media, and internal channels.
- Create the onboarding plan for any new hires and oversee its completion.
- Process any “new hires,” including handling all initial paperwork and creating a personnel file.
- Keep up to date with all personnel files, which includes staff appreciation recommendations.
- Maintain and properly store all long-term financial and human resource records we must keep for compliance.
- Keep updated and tweak the Employee Handbook and the DSAGC By-Laws and Policy Manual as needed. All changes to these documents must be signed off by the Executive Director and, at times, by the Board of Directors.
- Ensure the Executive Director, Board of Directors, and the Staff Team know of any required legal postings.
- Make training recommendations to the Executive Director and coordinate any “training” related to Human Resources or benefits.
- Reviews
- All new employees receive an initial performance appraisal upon completing their first 90 days of employment.
- To provide our staff with more consistent feedback and create an ongoing dialogue about priorities, performance challenges, and ways they can feel supported and empowered, we have moved away from traditional performance reviews. Instead, every staff member has to fill out a monthly report that they submit to their supervisor. Part of this report outlines their top three to five work priorities on a rolling basis for the upcoming 90 days. They will also outline their progress on their current monthly priorities.
- Going hand in hand with the monthly report, every staff member and supervisor will have regular (at least monthly) Check-In meetings. A significant part of these meetings will include being informed of and progressing towards their priorities for the next 90 days.
- Proven track record in initiation, problem-solving, attention to detail, empowering others, and multitasking.
- High degree of emotional intelligence to work with a wide range of people.
- Humble and teachable spirit with a desire to consistently improve their work.
- Strong interpersonal and organizational skills.
- Computer competency in Microsoft Office Suite products and experience with databases.
- Familiarity with QuickBooks is required.
- Must have a valid driver’s license, reliable automobile, and appropriate insurance coverage.
- Four-year degree is required.
- Ability to work 30 hours/week, including occasional evenings and weekends. There can be a little flexibility regarding exact days and times. Occasional hours that can be worked remotely. But, this will primarily be an onsite role during normal business hours.
Ideal candidates for this role would be people with strong administrative skills and sound business acumen. We envision this position averaging 30 hours/week.
To see a full job description outlining the responsibilities and to learn how to apply, go to www.dsagc.com/about-us/careers.